Stoned And Dusted is over, CDWA is alive and well


Ryan Jones writing here to let you friends know what’s going on with the CDWA and Stoned and Dusted. Unfortunately the California Desert Wizards Association LLC couldn’t hang on any longer and has gone out of business. The partnership ended unceremoniously and the company was closed. And as a result, I have no immediate plans to throw another Stoned and Dusted. I’m sure this is a bummer for you, and it’s a bummer for me too. I thank you all for coming to the parties and making good times together. And thank you all for having the faith to wait and hope for another party as you did. I was so hopeful for so long, but with the way things are, I just had to call it. It was real, it was fun, it was real fun. Thank you for being part of it. I hope you have as many great memories as I do.
If you are one of the faithful folks who held out hope and held onto your tickets for Stoned and Dusted 2020, CDWA is offering some money back. The company cannot guarantee you a full and complete refund, but will do our best to disburse all remaining funds to those ticketholders who request it. If you would like to request a refund, check the email you used to buy your tickets (probably look in the “promotions” folder) and look for a message from Stoned and Dusted. The link to request a refund is there.
Thanks, be well, and see you down the road.

Now mark your calendars, CDWA Official & AWE Present a night of pure Desert Rock, sat Nov 20TH, STONER, BIG SCENIC NOWHERE, FATSO JETSON LIVE!!!

All info HERE


Bus Photo by Adam Cohen