Uncle Pauls Band 11 tracks album


Paul Mitchell also known in the low desert music scene as “Uncle Paul” a pioneer of the desert rock music scene in the Coachella Valley. Paul’s band Target 13 bridged the desert to the punk scene in Los Angeles in the early 80’s, the band wrote the theme song “Rodney on the Rock” for the KROQ radio show and has been making raw real rock & roll for over 40 years.

Check out the new self titled album HERE

Paul Mitchell – Guitars, Vocals
Alfredo Hernandez – Drums
Ivan Hernandez – Drums
Armando Flores – Bass
Mario Lalli – Bass
Greg Cabral – Keys, backing vocal
After Lashes singers – Backing vocals featuring Esther Sanchez , Serene Tahtinen & Ali Saenz
Josh Armendariz – Vocals
Gar Roberts – Keys
Dino Lalli – Guitar
Janie Cowan – Upright Bass
Tommy – Guitar

Recorded and mixed by Gar Roberts
at Red Barn Recorders Studio, Morongo Valley CA

Additional mixing by Mathias Schneeberger at Donner & Blitzen Studio, Crestline Ca.