Stoned and Dusted 2020 – TICKET REFUND INFO


>This is a transcription of the mail message received regarding Stoned & Dusted 2020<

You probably could have guessed, but due to the continuing corona virus outbreak, Stoned and Dusted will be cancelled this year. We are bummed to have to do this, but don’t see that it will be possible to throw this party in 2020. We agonized. We apologize. We are not planning to reschedule. We tried for a Plan B, but it’s just not in the cards this year. We love you friends, we love you fellow California Desert Wizards, and we love this party too much to risk it. And so we are going to wait until 2021 – May 28-29-30. 

About your tickets…

Our up front policy was “Rain or Shine – No Refunds” however this bug is neither rain nor shine, you are our community, and we know some of you must be hurting.

Night 1 CDWA Presents: Los Dug Dugs, Yawning Man – We have already issued the refund and you should have already received the refunds in your account.

Night 2 CDWA Presents: Corrosion of Conformity, Masters Of Reality, Brant Bjork – We have already issued the refund and you should have already received the refunds in your account.

Camping Gear Add On – We have already issued the refund and you should have already received the refunds in your account.

Night 3 Stoned and Dusted – Night 3 ticket holders can keep their tickets and they will remain valid for Stoned and Dusted in 2021 or 2022.

Thanks for making plans to come party with us this year. Sorry it didn’t work out for us to rock together, but we will be back and hope you will too. We couldn’t exist without you, our amazing community of wizards, stoners, rockers, and good timers. Thanks to all of you who will support us and keep your ticket to come celebrate next year and beyond.

Of course, anyone who needs a refund for Night 3 can get their money back no questions asked. Please fill out the form below and we will get to work processing your refund for Night 3:

Any notes, questions, ideas or comments, please write to 

Requested refunds may take up to two weeks.


Please remember that some of your favorite bands have had to cancel their tours and will miss out on much needed income. We are all in it together so please support them if you can and buy their records and merch.

We hope you all are well and healthy. Fortunately, we remain healthy here at the CDWA headquarters. Let’s all keep it that way and meet up in the desert for some much needed fun times in 2021.

Love and rock and roll,

Ryan, Brant and Mario
California Desert Wizards Association


Photo by Adam Cohen